When we are confronted with that which is amazing and wonderous and profound, too often our first response is to reduce that experience with mundane explanations, even if in doing so, we are compelled to distort and forget that which we knew, if even for a brief moment, to be true.

These are the wonderous stories of the Heart Family.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Endings and Beginnings

To tell a good story, one needs to understand the beginning. For me, the beginning was in reaching the point of many endings of that which I thought defined who I was - and with the endings came openings, empty spaces into which new ideas, new beliefs and a new family could find their home. The endings created unexpected opportunities and surprises and growth in new directions.

For me the old was protestant turned atheist, partnered but then single, a scientist with no connection to spirit, no sense of myself as anything other than mundane. No sense of anything more.

That is where my story begins.

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