When we are confronted with that which is amazing and wonderous and profound, too often our first response is to reduce that experience with mundane explanations, even if in doing so, we are compelled to distort and forget that which we knew, if even for a brief moment, to be true.

These are the wonderous stories of the Heart Family.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Family RE-building 101

While my relationships with my feline family were beginning to flourish, my human relationship was ending, and within months of Light Heart and Golden Heart finding their way home, I found myself without human companionship for the first time in thirteen years. While a lot of physical possessions walked out the door with that ending, my one uncompromising absolute was that the cats stayed with me. There was, and there still is, no physical belonging that is more important than one’s family.

The following months were filled with many empty hours, loss of interest in doing much, numbing silence. Only looking back now can I see, with my new found eyes, the purposeful timing of Light Heart and Golden Heart’s arrival in my life. They came just in time to fill the void, to watch over me during this rough transition process. They became the main reason for staying present. I recall one morning when I couldn’t find it in me to get up from the sofa, sweet, sweet Golden Heart, still in the stages of kittenhood, brought her face right up to mine and looked me right in the eye. I could feel the tender question she was asking, “mom, are you ok? Are you going to get up?” Such a responsibility she had on her little shoulders to take care of me. Such a grown up act for such a little one.

I got up. I moved on.

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